UK Community Drama Festivals Federation Charity Number SCO45173
The UK Community Drama Festivals Federation Representing the four countries who host the British Final of One Act Plays each year


The United Kingdom Community Drama Federation was set up to oversee the British Final of One Act Plays with the aim of creating a coherent festival with a common set of entry rules, whilst maintaining the individuality that each country brings to the event itself. The British Finals Development Meeting (BFDM) was set up in 2009 and became the Federation in 2013 achieving Charity Registration in 2014. We have existed as an add-hoc organisation for many years, the event itself having taken place annually since 1926, although under several different guises. We currently have 4 office bearers, the Chair: Keith Robinson, Vice Chair: Ian Thomas, Treasurer: Jackie Westerman and Secretary: Teresa McCarthy together with two representatives from each of the four National Associations who provide representatives to take part in the British Final of One Act Plays each year. We meet twice yearly with conference-calls taking place between meetings as required. The Geoffrey Whitworth prize for playwriting, which is awarded to the best new play which has made its debut performance at a One-Act Festival anywhere in the UK, is now under our remit. However it is still administered on our behalf by SCDA. Our Purpose is: To promote fellowship through drama throughout the UK. To support and develop community access to participation in drama throughout the UK. Such access to be available to all persons regardless of sex, age, race, religion political or other opinions. To encourage and celebrate achievement and excellence in community drama. Our Mission is: To advance the arts, heritage & culture between the four nations within the federation. To encourage mutual collaboration between the member organisations and, provide access through our national organisations and support networks, to ensure the improvement and quality of the educational instruction provided by the festival movement